The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) held the 2022 Thank You Day event at Long Bin Building on November 13, in a bid to express gratitude to all people who have provided support to its development.

JI Acting Dean Ming Yang said in his opening speech that 2022 is an unusual year with challenges and exciting news. Joint efforts and support of people from all walks of life is indispensable to the development of the joint institute. The annual Thank You Day event has become a cultural symbol of JI rooted in the hearts all JIers. Students who are awarded scholarships supported by external sources should always bear gratitude in mind and take such honors as driving forces and responsibility. They should set higher standards for themselves and play leading roles among students, he said.

Sophia Moeller, associate director of UM International Giving and Engagement sent a congratulatory message via video. She thanked numerous donors for their generous support to JI students for their studies on the campuses of Shanghai in China and Ann Arbor in the United States. “I was delighted to be able to meet many of the JI students at Ann Arbor this year. They are such a wonderful group, hardworking, courageous and exceptional in so many different ways,” said Moeller who encouraged the students to take advantages of their time, not only to focus on studies but also to build cultural bridges and stronger connections with others from different backgrounds.

John Wu, director of the SJTU Board and co-chair of the JI Development Advisory Board, delivered a speech on behalf of the board and donors. He said he was still grateful for the education he received at SJTU and UM after so many years, as the education has had a profound impact on his career development. Jointly founding JI and introducing world-class education philosophy and system into China is truly a great accomplishment. Students should cherish the learning opportunities and platforms offered by JI, spend painstaking efforts on their studies and make greater achievements in the future.

Student Affairs Office Deputy Manager Yuwei Wu introduced the evaluation process and results of JI self-funded scholarships in 2022. This year, the scholarship evaluation committees received applications from 906 students, of whom 110 were selected as winners.

JI leaders and donors award 2022 Sam and Daisy Wu Scholarship

JI leaders and donors award 2021 John Wu and Jane Sun Scholarships

JI leaders award 2022 Tongsheng Feng Scholarship

JI leaders award 2022 Yu Liming Scholarships

JI leaders award 2021 Fuda Scholarship

JI leaders award 2022 Yadong Scholarships

JI leaders award 2022 KLA-Tencor Scholarship

JI sophomore Ziming Zhou, winner of John Wu and Jane Sun Excellence Scholarship, spoke on behalf of the student scholarship winners. Scholarship is not only a material support, but also a spiritual inspiration, a platform to connect and create excellence, and a window to display values. “I will give the value of scholarship into full play, light up my dreams with hard work and sweat, and become a young JIer with light in my eyes, road below my feet, responsibility on my shoulder, and virtues in my heart,” said Zhou.

JI Founding Dean Jun Ni shared his life experiences of receiving scholarships as a SJTU and UM student, setting up a scholarship for China Scholarship Council, establishing JI and training SJTU teachers. “Giving is receiving. I hope JI teachers and students can partake in more high-level interdisciplinary research projects in the future and become innovative talents with solid foundation and broad vision.”

Group photo of event attendees
