WPS Office


WPS Office is an office suite developed by Chinese software developer Kingsoft.


A valid jAccount is required to activate WPS business account.

How to Install

  1. SJTU WPS account Activation and phone number Verification

  1. Visitwps.sjtu.edu.cnand login with your jAccount.

  1. Complete the phone number verification

Congratulations! YourSJTU WPS accountis now activated. If you were already using WPS, your personal account and your SJTU account will be automatically linked. You can switch between your personal account and your SJTU account by simply click the button on the top-left corner.

User Guide

You may also login your PC or mobile WPS Office application with your SJTU WPS account.

  1. Standard version (suggested)

Visitwww.wps.com, selectProducts, and download the appropriate version. Login with your phone number verified in the first step. Now you can use the SJTU WPS

  1. Offline version (Windows only)

Tutorial Video
