免疫/受体药理学课题组 M
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    分子药理学、免疫药理学和受体药理学,包括G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)在炎症细胞活化中的作用;著有学术论文一百二十多篇。开展独立科研二十年来,以课题组长和共同课题组长的名义主持和参与了多项NIH研究课题,累计科研经费共二千多万美元;培养博士生9名,博士后12名,其中部分获得NIH经费并在美升任副教授、教授。近年来主持国际药理学联合会甲酰肽受体命名委员会并完成对该受体系列的国际统一命名,在该研究领域建立了一定的国际权威。曾任NIH多个评审委员会的成员及《美国生理学杂志(肺生理)》副主编,现任国际学术期刊《分子药理学》编委,《免疫学杂志》分科编辑。1995年获美国心脏学会 Established Investigator 奖;2008年获伊州大学 University Scholar 奖。近年来同诺华、强生等药企及上海交大医学院,复旦大学医学院和国家新药筛选中心开展科研合作,获美国和中国发明专利共三项。

  • 著作/论文/专利

    1. Lobel, P., Fujimoto, K., Ye, R.D., Griffiths, G., and Kornfeld, S. (1989). Mutations in the cytoplasmic domain of the 275 kd mannose 6-phosphate receptor differentially alter lysosomal enzyme sorting and endocytosis. Cell 57:787-796.
    2. Silverman, G.A., Ye, R.D., Pollock, K.M., Sadler, J.E., and Korsmeyer, S.J. (1989). Use of yeast artificial chromosome clones for mapping and walking within human chromosome segment 18q21.3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86:7485-7489.
    3. Kravchenko, V.V., Pan, Z., Han, J., Ulevitch, R.J., and Ye, R.D. (1995). Platelet-activating factor induces NF-kB activation through a G protein-coupled pathway. J. Biol. Chem., 270:14928-14934.
    4. Pan, Z., Zuraw, B.L., Lung, C.-C., Prossnitz, E.R., Browning, D.B., and Ye, R.D. (1996). Bradykinin stimulates NF-kB activation and interleukin-1beta gene expression in cultured human fibroblasts. J. Clin. Invest., 98:2042-2049.
    5. Hsu, M.H., Wang, M., Browning, D.D., Mukaida, N., and Ye, R.D. (1999) NF-kB activation is required for C5a-induced IL-8 gene expression in mononuclear cells. Blood 93:3241-3249.
    6. Xie, P., Browning, D.D., Hay, N., Mackman, N., and Ye, R.D. (2000) Activation of NF-kB by bradykinin through a Gq and Gbeta/gamma-dependent pathway that involves phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Akt. J. Biol. Chem., 275:24907-24914. Ye, R.D. (2001) Regulation of NF-kB activation by G-protein-coupled receptors (review). J. Leuk. Biol., 70:839-848.
    7. He, R., Sang, H., and Ye, R.D. (2003) Serum Amyloid A Induces IL-8 Secretion through a G protein-coupled Receptor, FPRL1/LXA4R. Blood, 101:1572-1581.
    8. Li, Z., Xi, X., Gu, M., Feil, R., Ye, R.D., Eigenthaler, M., Hofmann, F., and Du, X. (2003) A stimulatory role for cGMP-dependent protein kinase in platelet activation. Cell, 112:77-86.
    9. Marty, C., Browning, D.D. and Ye, R.D. (2003) Identification of tetratricopeptide repeat 1 as an adaptor protein that interacts with heterotrimeric G-proteins and the small GTPase Ras. Mol. Cell. Biol., 23:3847-3858.
    10. Cheng, N., He, R.L., Tian, J., Ye, P.P. and Ye, R.D. (2008) Cutting Edge: TLR2 is a functional receptor for acute-phase serum amyloid A. J. Immunol. 181:22-26.
    11. He, R.L., Zhou, J., Hanson, C., Chen, J., Cheng, N., and Ye, R.D. (2009) Serum amyloid A induces G-CSF expression and neutrophilia via Toll-like receptor 2. Blood. 113:429-437.
    12. Ye, R.D., Boulay, F., Wang, J.M., Dahlgren, C., Gerard, C., Parmentier, M., Serhan, C.N., and Murphy, P.M. (2009) International Union of Pharmacology: Nomenclature for the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) family. Pharmacol. Rev. 61:119-161.
    13. Feng Q, Deng J, Cheng N, Welch EJ, Zhang Y, Malik AB, Flavell RA, Dong C, Ye RD. (2009) A non-redundant role for MKP5 in limiting ROS production and preventing LPS-induced vascular injury. EMBO J. 28:2896-2907.
    14. Chen J, Tang H, Hay N, Xu J, Ye RD (2010) Akt isoforms differentially regulate neutrophil functions. Blood 115:4237-4246.
    15. Marty, C. and Ye, R.D. (2010) Heterotrimeric G protein signaling outside the realm of 7TM receptors (mini-revie w). Mol. Pharmacol. 78:12-18.
    16. Ye RD. (2010) Biased agonism in chemoattractant signaling (editorial). J. Leuk. Biol. 87:959-961.
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