

2020年6月,陆勇主任医师在《ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE》杂志发表题名为Establishing a standardized FUO emergency department: design and practice in dealing with COVID-19”——创建规范的发热(门)急诊应对呼吸道传染病大流行的研究与实践的研究论文。



“不明原因发热”(fever of unknown origin, FUO)常为新发呼吸道传染病首发表现,因此医院发热门诊常成为防控甄别的第一站。COVID-19疫情发生以来,如何在短时期内建立符合规范的发热门诊成为人口密集的中国城市防控的关键。课题组依托精益化管理模式,在短时间内(2周)做到了快速、安全、有效地改造创建规范化发热门诊,简化流程,缩短就诊时间,为新冠疫情期间疑似病例的筛查、留观提供了与医院其他诊疗区域完全隔离的封闭场所。论文围绕通过精益工作流和价值流分析,建立少环节就诊和“零”接触会诊流程、实施三步骤完善发热门诊展开经验总结。本研究表明,通过信息技术植入、场地的局部改造、医护团队的合理配置和防护用品按需计划分配,综合性医疗机构能够在短时间内设立安全的发热门诊并提供24小时筛查和留观服务。



Background:Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in January, 2020, the fever of unknown origin (FUO) emergency department has become the first station for disease prevention and identification in hospitals. Establishing a standardized FUO emergency department within a short period of time has become the key to preventing and controlling COVID-19 in densely populated Chinese cities.

Methods: Based on the lean management model, the research group established a process of less-link visits, which sees reduced contact between patients and physicians during diagnosis and treatment, and zero-contact consultation through lean workflow and value stream analysis. Three steps were implemented to improve the operations of the FUO emergency department: the rapid establishment of an isolation zone, the refinement of duty and protection configuration, and the use of Internet and technology to establish a full-process follow-up consultation system.

Results: (I) Tests related to COVID-19 screening are all completed in the FUO emergency department; (II) 12 new isolated observation rooms have been built; (III) hospital visiting time, waiting time for consultation, and the time from pre-examination to virus screening has been shortened from 18 to 8 hours, from 2 hours to 10 minutes, and from 34 to 3 hours, respectively; (IV) the transfer distance has been shortened from 450 to 20 m, and the observation time has been shortened from 72 to 26 hours. The median waiting time for image examination has been reduced from 40 to 3 minutes, and the moving distance has been shortened from 800 to 10 m; (V) the diagnosis and treatment process is facilitated by 5G, achieving zero contact between doctors and patients.

Conclusions:Through the implantation of information technology, the local transformation of the site, the rational allocation of medical teams and the planned distribution of protective equipment, in a short period of time, individual medical institutions can set up a safe FUO emergency department to provide 24-hour screening and detention services. Establishing an FUO emergency department with lean management and realizing the management approach of combining daily operation with prevention and control could help China and other countries to handle the outbreak of fulminant infectious diseases.







陆勇 主任医师,硕士生导师,欧宝app官方网站下载医学院附属瑞金医院放射科,医务一处处长,瑞金医院卢湾分院院长;研究方向:磁共振与人工智能影像诊断。



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