瑞金新知速递 第十期|宁光教授发现COVID-19空间传播与城际交通相关性


2020年3月14日,内分泌科宁光教授团队在《Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease》杂志在线发表题为“Spatial transmission of COVID-19 via public and private transportation in China“ -- COVID-19的空间传播与城际交通的相关性的研究论文。宁光教授和毕宇教授为共同通讯作者,郑睿智博士后和徐瑜研究员为共同第一作者。



DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101626


BACKGROUND:The time of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan coincided with the Chinese Spring Festival, when the largest annual population movement began. Before the lockdown on January 23rd, an estimated 5 million residents left Wuhan. The infected people in incubation period had brought the virus to other cities and person-to-person transmission of the new coronavirus caused the spread of infections across the country.

METHODS:We searched daily flights, buses, and trains from Wuhan to these cities in January. We also obtained straight line distances between Wuhan and these cities. The daily number and the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in each city were obtained from the official website. All the data were logarithmically transformed and the Pearson´s correlation analysis was used to examine correlations of daily frequencies of each transportation methods and the distance between Wuhan and other cities, with the daily number and the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases.

RESULTS:We found a significant and positive association between the frequency of flights, trains, and buses from Wuhan and the daily as well as the cumulative numbers of COVID-19 cases in other cities with progressively increased correlations for trains and buses (all P values < 0.001). The distance between Wuhan and other cities was inversely associated with the numbers of COVID-19 cases in that city (all P values < 0.001), and the correlation became increasingly stronger and went stable after February 1st.

CONCLUSIONS:Our findings indicated that imported cases via public transportation played an important role in the spread of COVID-19. The connectivity and distance between the epicenter and the destination are important determinants of transmission risks. Strong preventive measures should be taken in cities with shorter distances and more frequent public transportation connectivity with epicenter in order to contain input and output of the COVID-19 epidemic.












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