2021-10-4 10:00

全球同命运,天涯共此时|设计学院成功举办上海国际建筑文化周系列活动 “天涯共此时”:全球城市论坛

精彩回顾-花絮视频 Highlights

2021年9月29日晚,由欧宝app官方网站下载设计学院、上海市建筑学会主办的“‘天涯共此时’:全球城市论坛”在线上线下同步拉开帷幕。本次论坛作为上海国际建筑文化周的系列活动,由欧宝app官方网站下载设计学院院长阮昕主持,哈佛大学设计学院院长Sarah Whiting教授英国Allies and Morrison建筑事务所合伙人Joanna Bacon、印度CEPT大学规划学系Sejal Patel教授、巴西麦肯锡大学建筑学系Renato Anelli副教授、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院原常务副校长伍江教授和澳大利亚新南威尔士大学建筑环境学院Robert Freestone教授受邀作为六城代表出席。他们通过分享国内外后疫情时代全球城市的发展动态,多角度呈现建筑设计、城市规划和跨文化交流等方面的思考,带来关于全球城市未来命运的精彩对话。

On the evening of 29 September 2021, An Urban Forum of Six Cities – Global City in the Covid Era was successfully held online and offline simultaneously. As one of the major events of the“Shanghai International Week of Architecture and Culture”, this urban forum is organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design and the Architectural Society of Shanghai China (ASSC). Chaired byRUAN Xing, Dean and Guangqi Chair Professor of Architecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design, with panellists includingSarah Whiting, Dean and Josep Lluís Sert Professor of Architecture of Harvard GSD;Joanna Bacon, Allies and Morrison’s managing partner;Sejal Patel, Professor of Planning at CEPT University;Renato Anelli, Adjunct Professor of Architecture at Mackenzie University;WU Jiang, Professor of Architecture, Former Vice President of Tongji University andRobert Freestone, Professor of Planning at UNSW Sydney; they shared the development trends of global cities in the post-epidemic era at home and abroad, presented reflections on architectural design, urban planning, and transnational exchange from diverse angles, and has brought lively and illuminating conversation on the future of global cities.

Global City in the Post-Covid Era


上个世纪九十年代初,荷裔美籍学者萨斯基亚·萨森(Saskia Sassen)提出了“全球城市”的表述。自此,这个概念使用广泛,弥久不衰。其内涵与发展模式随着全球化发展不断与时俱进。根据萨森的定义,全球城市意味着人员、资本、技术、文化跨越国别、穿梭边界的高效交流。其利益和弊端在学术界众说纷纭。全球城市意喻着自由的往来,资源“高度集中”和“全面分配”的特性造就了全球城市,而后疫情时代极大地削弱了这种特性。如何从建筑、规划、和设计的视角定义全球城市的未来?

The term“global city”, coined by Saskia Sassen in the early 1990s, has become a buzzword for decades. Its benefits and ills, nonetheless, have been largely contested among the academics. The pandemic should have brought the rethinking of the future of global cities to a head, given that the Sassen definition of a global city is based on the transnational and transborder movement of people, capital, technology and culture. In other words, global cities imply more freedom of movement and less control. Much of the “disperse” and “concentration" of the above that make global cities, needless to say, has been severely curtailed by the pandemic. How do we define the future of global cities from the perspective of architecture, urban planning, and design?


The development of cities rise and fall, but they will be great again. Coivd has affected cities in many ways, the potential for rebirth is still yet growing. The innovative practice of global cities represented by Shanghai has definitely provide experience and reflection for the development of this theory.

Focusing Global Issues through Six Cities


本次论坛于2021年9月29日晚7点在设计学院官方bilibili直播间,上海市建筑学会和Roca Shanghai Gallery乐家艺术廊两家专业媒体平台同步直播,高峰时段吸引共计近6,000位观众同时在线观看。

Livestreaming through Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design official Bilibili account, the ASSC and the Roca Gallery official WeChat account, the forum has attracted a total of approximately6,000views during peak time.


Chaired by RUAN Xing, panellists from Boston, London, Mumbai, São Paulo, Shanghai and Sydney has presented their ideas and launched into a free symposium.


CAO Jiaming, President of Architectural Society of Shanghai China presented an opening speech. He mentioned that Shanghai International Week of Architecture and Culture aims to create an intercultural dialogue with global influence, establish a highland of architectural theoretical design and innovations, and become a hub for cultivating talents and national architecture education. As a professional and authoritative scientific and technological academic group in Shanghai’s architecture industry, ASSC has always had good academic cooperations with Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design. Jointly established the “ASSC International Center for Architecture and Design Exchange” in 2020 they lead and promote industrial exchange and development, unite and organize professionals in the field of architecture and design at home and abroad, as well as to help improve the cohesion of the industry and resource structure. This forum is exactly in line with the original intention of holding Shanghai International Week of Architecture and Culture and will further strengthen the cooperation and exchange of the center.

Sarah Whiting首先发表了跨国别交流历史的讲解。21世纪以来,人员跨国流动进一步加剧,波士顿作为美国重要的学术中心之一,汇集了全球顶尖的高等学府,更需要进一步加强文化间的交流。她引用法国汉学家Francois Jullien的论点加以佐证,并提出问题:文化和设计是否能超越全球经济制度化和同质化,成为全球化的新趋势?随后,Joanna Bacon提出“在后疫情时代,伦敦能否更像伦敦?”这个议题,并认为伦敦如何找到自己的身份特征,探索自己的城市DNA是重中之重。Sejal Patel分析了印度孟买逐渐发展为全球城市的四个阶段,后疫情时代下孟买面临同等的机遇和挑战,挑战在于社会空间的极化;而机遇在于民主权力的下放和城市的参与式治理。Renato Anelli自2020年4月开始研究分析疫情对巴西圣保罗在公共政策、公共交通,尤其是住宅的内部密度方面的影响。跨文化交流是全球城市的特质之一,他认为是城市二元化和资源间的不平等性影响了这种特质的发展。

Sarah Whitingfirst introduced the history of global exchanges. Since the 21st century, the cross-border flow of personnel has been further intensified. Boston, being as quite an academic hub has gathered the world’s top colleges and universities, and it is more necessary to further strengthen global exchanges. She cited the arguments of Francois Julien, a French sinologist, and put forward: can culture and design exceed the homogenization of the global economy and become a new phase of globalization? Subsequently,Joanna baconraised the question of “Can a city be less like a city and more like London?” and believed that how London can find its own identity and explore its urban DNA is the way.Sejal Patelfirst analysed the four development phases of Mumbai becoming into a global city. In the post Covid era, Mumbai faces the same opportunities and challenges. The challenge lies in the social spatial polarization while the key opportunity is the democratic devolution and participatory urban governance.Renato Anellihas been working with the impact of Covid in São Paulo since April 2020, gathering information and analysing maps, public policies, figures, in geographical scale, as specificities of transportation services and housing conditions, especially the inner density of dwelling. He believes that increase of international inequality is the real threat to the transnational exchange that defines the nature of a global city.

伍江表示,后疫情时代,我们应更关注城市自己的文化特质和属性,积极拥抱全球化的趋势并进一步反思作为全球城市,在全球化进程中应扮演什么样的角色。在上海总规2035中,上海致力于构建更加开放协调的发展格局,呈现“全球互联、区域协同”的规划视野。从更开阔的视野、更高的定位去研究上海全球城市发展的战略框架,形成“网络化、多中心、组团式、集约型”的空间体系。Robert Freestone以悉尼为例,再次强调了城市内部的资源不平等性。疫情带来的是关于城市中心化和去中心化相互角逐的新篇章,而城市经济中心将会成为巨大的经济杠杆。

WU Jiangpointed out that in the post Covid era, we should pay more attention to the cultural characteristics and attributes of cities, actively embrace the trend of globalization, and further reflect on what role a global city should play in the process of globalization. In Shanghai 2035 plan, Shanghai is committed to build a more open and coordinated development pattern, showing a planning vision of “global interconnection and regional coordination”. Study the strategic framework of Shanghai’s global urban development from a broader vision and to form a “connected, multi-centered, integrated group” spatial system.Robert Freestoneused Sydney as a vivid example, considered that the post Covid era is another new vigorous chapter and it is in a long tug of war between the forces of centralization and forces of decentralization, in which CBDs will be a massive economic lever.

最后,论坛在现场听众的热烈提问中走向尾声。Sarah Whiting在结语中表示,她希望借本次论坛能在未来进一步探讨城市尺度和住房两个方面的问题,并呼吁人们关注气候和环境所带来的挑战,将气候意识融入个人的工作和生活中去。

The forum came to an end with sparkling debates between the audience and the panellists. In conclusion,Sarah Whitingexpressed that this forum could help further explore the issues on scales and housing that interest her the most. She also echoes the call to heed the climate/environmental challenge and hope that climate consciousness can underpin all ways of work and life.


With the innovation of technology and development concept, informatization, low-carbon and regionalization have formed a trend of “decentralization” in urban development. The core competitiveness of global cities facing new challenges in the post Covid era urgently needs response from global urban researchers, planners and practitioners. City has a complex, diversified and open operation system. Because of the diversity and openness of this system, the city can keep pace with times and absorb opportunities. In the past two decades, various types of global cities have been popped up. Functioning as global actors, they have even surpassed countries in the perspective of culture, education, professional talent flow and entrepreneurship. Each city will show unique advantages in a specific field, making it different from other cities.Internationalizationis one of the key characters of Shanghai. Shanghai became an important trade center more than a century ago, its strength of openness and innovation has made it stand out in the process of building an excellent global city.

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