Teaching and Learning Forum (Global Version) First Speech:Encouraging Student Engagement and Interactivity at SJTU - a Personal Perspective
2022/11/22 14:00 - 2022/11/22 15:30


Modern teaching philosophies (such as active learning, student-centered teaching or whole-person education) emphasize a high level of engagement of students and vibrant interaction in the classroom. Especially in large classes, this may not be easy to achieve. The difficulty is often increased by cultural norms that discourage students from speaking out. I share some experiences and strategies that help me overcome the student-instructor barrier, promote collaboration among students, and encourage active participation in the course, both inside and outside the classroom.


Time:November 22, 2022 Tuesday 14:00-15:30

Venue:Tencent Meeting Platform

Scan the QR code to register by 5pm on November 21, 2022.


Professor Horst Hohberger(UM-SJTU Joint Institute)
Teaching Professor for Mathematics at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) and also serves as Director for International Partnerships
Upon joining JI in 2007, he led the development of the mathematics curriculum and helped establish the processes ensuring academic integrity among students, based on JI’s Honor Code. For his teaching, he has received numerous awards, funding and prizes from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Shanghai Municipal Government. From 2014, he has spearheaded JI’s broader international engagement with academic partners in Europe and the United States, helping establish academic exchanges and degree programs with leading international universities. Dr. Hohberger received his Ph.D. from the University of Potsdam, Germany in 2006. His research interests include semiclassical asymptotics, scattering theory and Maslov operators, as well as academic integrity in international engineering education.