Teaching and Learning Forum (Global Version):ChatGPT in Higher Education
2023/02/24 12:00 - 2023/02/24 13:30
504 Chen Ruiqiu Building


  Generative AI burst onto the world stage last fall with OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT-3. Microsoft now uses it for its search engine Bing. Other companies have been racing to launch their own version: Google’s Bard, Baidu’s Wenxin Yiyan, among others. Such technology has the potential to transform many sectors of society, including education.
  This Joint Event will be held by JI CLT and SJTU CTLD.



This talk “ChatGPT in Higher Education” will provide an overview of generative AI’s capabilities, as well as academic policies and pedagogical strategies to address its use. This technology can be used in a range of academic disciplines. In this talk, Dr. Manuel Charlemagne will focus on courses with mathematics and coding, while Dr. Peter Weise will focus on courses that depend on writing and qualitative analysis. An open discussion will follow.

Time:February 24, 2023 Friday 12:00-13:30

Venue:504 Chen Ruiqiu Building (max 40 attendees) & Tencent Meeting(Meeting ID and Password will be received one day before the event)

Register by 12pm on February 23, 2023

Scan QR Code to register foronline attendance(Tencent Meeting)

Click the following button“立即报名” to register foroffline attendance(504 Chen Ruiqiu Building)


Peter Weise
Assistant Teaching Professor in Academic Writing and Intellectual Breadth at the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
His research and teaching focus on literary studies, media studies, and the history of science. His forthcoming publication “Say Olaudah Aloud: Elocution, the Commodity-Form, and Transverse Culture” is a part of an edited collection Ordinary Oralities (De Gruyter) that addresses how to study acoustic media from historical periods without modern recording technologies.
Manuel Charlemagne
Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
As a trained mathematician, his fields of interest expand beyond Mathematics and encompass Computer Science, Urbanism, and Ethics. He completed his PhD at Dublin City University.