• 杨建龙

    长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师。2015年毕业于欧宝app官方网站下载物理系激光等离子体教育部重点实验室,获光学工程博士学位。20162018年在OCT共同发明人David Huang教授课题组,美国俄勒冈健康与科学大学做博士后。20182021年任中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所“春蕾人才”副研究员。20214月加入欧宝app官方网站下载生物医学工程学院。主要开展基于光学的精准、微创、智能诊疗方法研究,具体包括:(1)基于OCT3D/4D功能内镜技术,用于肿瘤和心血管病灶热物理治疗监控;(2)基于光纤光学的新型医用传感、成像和治疗设备;(3)用于肿瘤和心血管热物理治疗评估和预后分析的可解释人工智能算法。 已在国内外主流同行评议期刊和会议上发表论文六十余篇,其中三十余篇为第一/通讯作者,包括Optics LettersPhotonics ResearchBiomedical Optics ExpressJournal of BiophotonicsJAMA OphthalmologyBritish Journal of OphthalmologyMedical Image AnalysisIEEE Transaction on Medical ImagingIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics等。已申请中国、美国、PCT发明专利二十余项,获授权十余项。主持或参与中国和美国大型科研项目十余项。国际首创手持式OCT血流成像技术,已被广泛应用于儿科疾病临床研究。所研发铥光纤激光技术被转化形成中电科天之星激光技术(上海)有限公司,近红外激光结膜消融术用于老年性干眼症治疗转化形成Unfold Therapeutics公司。


2006-2010,应用物理学 学士,华东理工大学

2010-2015,光学工程 博士,欧宝app官方网站下载



2018-2021,“春蕾人才”副研究员 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所





1. Huihong Zhang,Jianlong Yang*, Kang Zhou, Fei Li, Yan Hu, Yitian Zhao, Ce Zheng, Xiulan Zhang, Jiang Liu. Automatic Segmentation and Visualization of Choroid in OCT with Knowledge Infused Deep Learning [J].IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics24(12), 3408-3420 (2020).

2. Qiangjiang Hao, Kang Zhou,Jianlong Yang*, Liyang Fang, Zhengjie Chai, Yuhui Ma, Yan Hu, Shenghua Gao, Jiang Liu. High signal-to-noise ratio reconstruction of low bit-depth optical coherence tomography using deep learning [J].Journal of Biomedical Optics25(12), 123702 (2020).

3.Jianlong Yang*, Yan Hu, Liyang Fang, Jun Cheng, Jiang Liu. Universal digital filtering for denoising volumetric retinal OCT and OCT angiography in 3D shearlet domain [J].Optics Letters45(3), 694-697 (2020).

4. Ting Zhou,Jianlong Yang*, Kang Zhou, Liyang Fang, Yan Hu, Jun Cheng, Yitian Zhao, Xiangping Chen, Shenghua Gao, Jiang Liu. Digital resolution enhancement in low transverse sampling optical coherence tomography angiography using deep learning [J].OSA Continuum3(6) 1664-1678 (2020).

5. Ce Zheng, Xiaolin Xie, Kang Zhou, Bang Chen, Jili Chen, Haiyun Ye, Wen Li, Tong Qiao, Shenghua Gao,Jianlong Yang*, Jiang Liu. Assessment of Generative Adversarial Networks Model for Synthetic Optical Coherence Tomography Images of Retinal Disorders [J].Translational Vision Science & Technology19, 1993 (2020).

6. Fei Li, Hao Li,Jianlong Yang, Jiang Liu, Aung Tin, Xiulan Zhang. Upside-down position leads to choroidal expansion and anterior chamber shallowing: OCT study [J].British Journal of Ophthalmology104(6), 790-794 (2020).

7. Kang Zhou, Yuting Xiao,Jianlong Yang, Jun Cheng, Wen Liu, Weixin Luo, Zaiwang Gu, Jiang Liu, Shenghua Gao. Encoding Structure-Texture Relation with P-Net for Anomaly Detection in Retinal Images [C].European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),360-377 (2020).

8. Mou, Lei, Yitian Zhao, Huazhu Fu, Yonghuai Liu, Jun Cheng, Yalin Zheng, Pan Su,Jianlong Yang, Li Cheng, Alejandro F. Frangi, Masahiro Akiba, Jiang Liu. CS2-Net: Deep learning segmentation of curvilinear structures in medical imaging [J].Medical image analysis67, 101874 (2020).

9. Yuhui Ma, Huaying Hao, Jianyang Xie, Huazhu Fu, Jiong Zhang,Jianlong Yang, Zhen Wang. Jiang Liu, Yalin Zheng, Yitian Zhao. ROSE: A Retinal OCT-Angiography Vessel Segmentation Dataset and New Model [J]IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging40(3), 928-939 (2020).

10.Jianlong Yang*, Peng Liu, Lixin Duan, Yan Hu, Jiang Liu. Deep learning enables extraction of capillary-level angiograms from single OCT volume [C].Oral presentationatSPIE BiOS 2020.

11. George WS Burwood, Suzan Dziennis, Teresa Wilson, Sarah Foster, Yuan Zhang, Gangjun Liu,Jianlong Yang, Sean Elkins, Alfred L Nuttall. The mechanoelectrical transducer channel is not required for regulation of cochlear blood flow during loud sound exposure in mice [J].Scientific Reports10, 9229 (2020).

12. Qifeng Yan, Bang Chen, Yan Hu, Jun Cheng, Yan Gong,Jianlong Yang, Jiang Liu, Yitian Zhao. Speckle Reduction of OCT via Super Resolution Reconstruction and Its Application on Retinal Layer Segmentation [J].Artificial Intelligence in Medicine101871 (2020).

13.Jianlong Yang, Haizhe Zhong, Shuaiyi Zhang, Yulong Tang and Dianyuan Fan. Cascade-Gain-Switching for Generating 3.5-micron Nanosecond Pulses From Monolithic Fiber Lasers [J].IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(5) 1-12 (2018).

14.Jianlong Yang, Rahul Chandwani, Varun Gopinatth, Timothy Boyce, Stephen Pflugfelder, David Huang, Gangjun Liu. Near-infrared laser thermal conjunctivoplasty [J].Scientific Reports8(1) 3863 (2018).

15. San Jin Kim,Jianlong Yang, Gangjun Liu, David Huang, J Peter Campbell. Optical coherence tomography angiography and ultra-widefield optical coherence tomography in a child with incontinentia pigment [J].Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina49(4), 273-275 (2018).

16.Jianlong Yang, Rahul Chandwani, Rui Zhao, Zhuo Wang, Yali Jia, David Huang, Gangjun Liu. Polarization-multiplexed, dual-beam swept source optical coherence tomography angiography [J].Journal of Biophotonics11 (3), e201700303 (2018).

17.Jianlong Yang, Liang Liu, J Peter Campbell, David Huang, Gangjun Liu. Handheld optical coherence tomography angiography [J].Biomedical Optics Express8(4), 2287-2300 (2017).

18.Jianlong Yang, Johnny Su, Jie Wang, Silu Men, Yali Jia, David Huang, Gangjun Liu. Hematocrit dependence of flow signal in optical coherence tomography angiography [J].Biomedical Optics Express8(4), 776-789 (2017).

19. Gangjun Liu,Jianlong Yang, Jie Wang, Yan Li, Pengxiao Zang, Yali Jia, David Huang. Extended axial imaging range, widefield swept source optical coherence tomography angiography [J].Journal of Biophotonics10(11), 1464-1472 (2017).

20.Jianlong Yang, Yali Jia, David Huang, Gangjun Liu. Polarization-multiplexed, dual-beam swept source optical coherence tomography angiography [C].Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science58(8), 3811-3811 (2017) (Oral presentation at ARVO Annual Conference 2017, Baltimore, MA).

21.Jianlong Yang, Haizhe Zhong, Shuaiyi Zhang, Dianyuan Fan. Theoretical Characterization of the Ultra-Broadband Gain Spectra at ~1600-2100 nm from Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers [J].IEEE Photonics Journal8(6), 1-10 (2016).

22.Jianlong Yang, Yao Wang, Geng Zhang, Yulong Tang, and Jianqiu Xu. High-power highly-linear-polarized nanosecond all-fibre MOPA at 2040 nm [J].IEEE Photonics Technology Letters27(9), 986-989 (2015).

23. Yao Wang,Jianlong Yang, Chongyuan Huang, Yongfeng Luo, Shiwei Wang, Yulong Tang, Jianqiu Xu. High power tandem-pumped thulium-doped fiber laser [J]Optics Express23(3), 2991-2998 (2015).

24. Yongfeng Luo, Yulong Tang,Jianlong Yang, Yao Wang, Shiwei Wang, Kunyu Tao, Li Zhan, Jianqiu Xu. High signal-to-noise ratio single-frequency 2-μm Brillouin fibre laser [J]Optics Letters39(9), 2626-2628 (2014).

25.Jianlong Yang, Hongqiang Li, Yulong Tang, Jianqiu Xu. Temporal characteristics of in-band-pumped gain-switched thulium-doped fiber lasers [J].Journal of the Optical Society of America B31(1), 80-86 (2014).

26.Jianlong Yang, Yulong Tang, Jianqiu Xu. Development and applications of gain-switched fibre lasers [J].Photonics Research1(1), 52-57 (2013).

27.Jianlong Yang, Yulong Tang, Jianqiu Xu. Hybrid-pumped, linear-polarized, gain-switching operation of a Tm-doped fibre laser [J].Laser Physics Letters10(5), 055104 (2013).

28.Jianlong Yang, Yulong Tang, Rui Zhang, Jianqiu Xu. Modelling and characteristics of gain-switched diode-pumped Er-Yb codoped fibre lasers [J]IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics48(12), 1560-1567 (2012).



